Proven Efficacy
We can demonstrate with measurable results collected from hundreds of clients that AdvoCor raises patient satisfaction scores across multiple service lines for hospitals across the United States.
Case Study: HCAHPS Recovery and Improvement with AdvoCor
Parkview Health broke new ground in Healthcare and drove improvement in the face of staffing and budget challenges by deploying a first of it’s kind automated rounding process to drive more consistent and targeted patient communication and thus an enhanced experience for their patients.

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Case Study: Average Impact Study
AdvoCor’s versatile platform drives improvement in a variety of carelines through the use of its AI algorithm paired with integrated reporting tools.
In a study performed by AdvoCor from 2015 to 2018, consisting of 153 services, hospitals saw an average improvement in Patient Satisfaction Scores of 3.28.
Top performing hospitals using AdvoCor to improve dining satisfaction saw an increase of 7.5 raw score points, while top performers using the platform to improve hospitality saw gains of 9.6 in their top box scores.
Case Study: Clinical Rounding and Patient Orientation
Southeastern Network, a two hospital system, used the AdvoCor platform to organize patient experience operations and facilitate weekly debriefs of nursing and executive management through the reporting feature.
The hospital system went from a 3 star rating to a 5 star rating after deployment. Patient Satisfaction scores increased by an average of 5.46 points with a projected revenue increase of 13.6%.
Individual scores for patient hospital rating, likelihood to recommend, cleanliness and meal scores all improved significantly. These results were measurable within 6 months of implementation of the AdvoCor platform.

Case Study: AI Workforce Deployment and Employee Engagement
Through a combination of Employee Engagement Rounding and the AI prioritization of Patient Rounding, a large midwestern hospital network was able to demonstrably improve their patient reported experiences.
AdvoCor was being utilized in five different carelines (clinical, dining, housekeeping, facilities and safety). Their post launch scores on average showed a +9.5 percentile rank improvement in “Rate the hospital 0/10” and a +7.4 percentile rank improvement in “Recommend the hospital.”
Patient Satisfaction scores improved by an average of 2.9 points with a projected revenue increase of 7.25%.