Getting More with Less
Optimizing Your Purposeful Patient Rounding Strategy
Getting More with Less
Optimizing Your Purposeful Patient Rounding Strategy
█ Gary M. Tomcik, MHA
Senior Director – Healthcare Experience
We have been conditioned to be very cautious when coming across something that appears too good to be true. When faced with this scenario, many of us wonder “what is the catch” and/or “what is stated in the fine print?”. Those concerns would likely resonate when you read that a healthcare organization can realize significant improvement in patient perception results by rounding on less patients.
According to a recent study by HydraCor in August 2020 across 250 organizations, you can round on fewer patients and still realize notable improvement in your patient experience results. With the integration of data science and technology, HydraCor has altered the traditional “survey style” rounding process through the use of an AI (Augmented Intelligence) infused platform. This AI platform enables them to predict the concerns of your patients before they occur and communicate with them more effectively to mitigate said concerns. Additionally, the platform guides leaders to optimize the time spent rounding by focusing on the RIGHT PATIENT and having purposeful conversations that convey the RIGHT MESSAGE. When this predicative approach is combined with effective Service Recovery and specific root cause Data Capture, the improvement over traditional rounding is astonishing.
Survey style patient rounding program will impact the top box patient perception results from 0.55 to 1.74 basis points.
For example, when seeing 10% of your patients you will see a 0.55 basis point improvement in your top box results, when seeing 50% of patients you will see 1.23 basis point improvement in your top box results and when seeing 100% of your patients, you will see a 1.74 basis point improvement in your top box results.
Survey style patient rounding program
Percentage of Patients Rounded On
Expected Top Box Score Improvement
AI Infused patient rounding platform will impact the top box patient perception results from 2.57 to 4.81 basis points.
For example, when seeing 10% of your prioritized patients and following through on 100% of your Service Recovery and RCA findings, you will see a 3.62 basis improvement in your perception results. When seeing 50 % of the patients and following through on 100% of your Service Recovery and RCA findings, you will see a 4.30 basis point improvement in your perception results. When seeing 100% of the patients and following through a 100% of your Service Recovery and RCA findings, you will see a 4.81 basis improvement in your patient perception results.
In summary, when comparing the two options your organization can round on fewer patients and realize a much larger increase in patient perception results with an AI Infused patient rounding platform. A traditional survey style rounding program should result in a 1.74 basis point improvement in your top box score when rounding on 100% of your patients.

An AI Infused Patient Rounding Platform, should result in a 4.30 basis point improvement in your top box score when rounding on only 50% of your prioritized patients. This strong increase in patient perception results assumes that you are closing all your service recovery opportunities within 12-24 hours and using RCA information to drive your improvement opportunities.

Given the choice, I am confident that most of us would choose to “get more with less” and utilize an AI infused patient rounding platform to support your patient experience improvement strategy. You can reinvest the time gained on supporting other organizational opportunities such as rounding on your employees to ensure that they are feeling safe!
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